Carden Aircraft Toledo 2006
The Booth

Dick Held's 32% YAK 54 ( 100cc)


Bill Cline's 35% Edge 540

Brian Hueffmeier 37% YAK 54

Ivan Kristensen 40% Extra 260


Dennis looks over a Turbo prop
 Carden  35% Extra 330
Caroline has lot's of Wingbags and apparel

Greetings friends!!!

The Toledo show '06 is now in the history books!  What a show!!!!  I  entered my new 35% Extra 330S in it this year.  And she just so happened to take home 2nd place in Aerobatic!!!  I went there with no expectations, and  then to hear Bob Hisey announce my name for 2nd place, it was just an  incredible feeling!!!  But, I must say, what a great time it was talking with old friends, and meeting new ones.

Ok, here's the run down on this bird.......
Obviously, a Carden 35% Extra 330S (best 35% bird on the market, BAR NONE!!!)
3W 106 on mufflers
JR 10X with 945 Rx.  8411, 8611, and 8611a servos.
FromeCo batteries. 4800's for the servos, and 2400's for the ignition and Rx power.
I4c Products Isolator.
Covered by myself (Monokote), and paint by MAACO!!!(Reid, uses House of  Kolor)
TruTurn spinner.
Special thanks to Tom "Shakey" Mikalauskas, builder!!!
Extra special thanks to my dad!!!  He polished my spinners, Landing Gear and FromeCo

I think that about covers it!!  Will get some flying shots sent to you in about 3 weeks!!

Thanks for the best products on the EARTH!!!!

Chris Fry~

Call Carden Aircraft 423-295-2295
